Monday, May 21, 2012

Two Grades, Four Teams and A Lot of Ice Cream

The Raptors Host UH for a Scrimmage

It was Thursday, May 11 and a very cool evening.  Outside, the wind picked up and it was getting cooler.  Inside, action picked up and it was getting hotter.  We were running late, but walked into 2 scrimmages already in process.  The larger full court of CCMS was divided in half.  In the far court the UH 5th grade went up against the Raptors 5th grade.  The small court did not sway either team..  They were going at it hard and playing well.  They were committed to the dribble, passed well and each team scoring.  It was a very good match up.   In the near court were the two 4th grade teams, fast paced as ever.  Commanding of the ball changing back and forth and back. 
4th Grade Scrimmage
I watched more of the 4th grade scrimmage.  It may have been fast paced, but from what I saw, our 4th grade players were doing extremely well.  That is until they moved to the full (larger) court.  They seemed to run out of gas.  They were moving off the court in a slow paced fashion.  This may have been true of the other team too, but it's hard to focus on the opponent when one is intent on their own players.  "Pick it up!!" shouted Coach Otico with intent.  He was right to do so.  We should have all yelled "pick it up!!" or "move faster!!"  They eventually did and it was a good game to watch. 

5th Grade Scrimmage

The 5th grade (larger court scrimmage) was fast paced from the get go.  They sat out first watching and cheering on the 4th grade, but once it was time to switch, they launched into action.  The opponent put on a good defense.  Coach Narciso took a time out to regroup and review with the team.  He encouraged them to think on the court and play better defense.  The Raptors' defense was strong.  Our boys had to use their basketball IQ and think quick.  They were full of energy and enthusiasm.  Bodies bounced against the hardwood as they dove for loose balls.  They stuck with the rolling ball until it crossed the out of bounds line and awaited the decision:  UH or Raptors ball?  This went on until the end when the score was so obviously close. 
4th Grade enjoying ice cream
Coach Narciso encouraging his team
This was an unusual scrimmage because the 4 teams shared the large group.  The 4th grade switching with the 5th grade like tag team wrestlers.  The next anxious to get back in and pin down the opponent (figuratively speaking of course).  Maybe because it was a less than normal game or scrimmage, our boys didn't play as hard as they could have.  From what I saw, our teams were still strong, but could have used a little more "oomph"...if that's how you spell it.  Or maybe they knew there was a surprise at the end for all 4 teams.  There was an ice cream social...and yes.  It was cold.  Cold or not, they dawned on the Uptempo Hoops hoodies and dug right into the ice cream sundaes.  Some went back for seconds.  The 4th grade went first and lined up again right after the 5th grade. 

4th and 5th Grade in line for ice cream

As always scrimmages are welcomed as they add a dimension to our usual practices.  Even so, we remember these are practices for games.  The intensity should always be there 110%.  Scrimmages are an opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them.  It's a time for the coaches to assess the weaknesses and encourage the team strengths.  Overall, the teams did well.  I'm always proud of these teams and I love watching them play.  They did well overall tonight.  Most players came with intensity and passion.  Coaches came, as always, ready to coach a team with victory in mind (score kept or not).  It's in the attitude. 

Hopefully this scrimmage has prepped our young players for their next game....Jam On It Reno, NV.  Good luck players!!

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